paint tool sai keyboard shortcuts


Useful Keyboard Shortcuts in Paint Tool SAI


Keyboard shortcuts in Paint Tool SAI can significantly improve your workflow, making it faster and more efficient. Here are some of the most useful keyboard shortcuts:


General Shortcuts:


Ctrl + N: Create a New Canvas.

Ctrl + O: Open an Existing File.

Ctrl + S: Save the Current File.

Ctrl + Shift + S: Save As (allows you to choose a different file name or location).

Ctrl + Z: Undo the Last Action.

Ctrl + Y: Redo an Action (if you've undone something and want to redo it).

Ctrl + C: Copy Selected Area.

Ctrl + X: Cut Selected Area.

Ctrl + V: Paste Clipboard Contents.

Delete or Backspace: Delete Selected Area or Layer.

Ctrl + D: Deselect (remove a selection).

Brush and Drawing Shortcuts:


B: Select the Brush Tool.

P: Select the Pen Tool.

E: Select the Eraser Tool.

G: Select the Bucket Fill Tool.

L: Select the Lasso Selection Tool.

Shift + B: Cycle through Brushes (if you have multiple brushes).

[ and ]: Decrease/Increase Brush Size.

Shift + [ and ]: Decrease/Increase Brush Density.

Shift + E: Activate the Airbrush Tool.

Ctrl + 1: Toggle Free Transform (for resizing and rotating the selected area).

Ctrl + 2: Toggle Brush Density.

Ctrl + 3: Toggle Brush Size.

Ctrl + 4: Toggle Brush Opacity.

Canvas and Zoom Shortcuts:


Spacebar: Hand Tool (to pan around the canvas).

Ctrl + +/-: Zoom In/Out.

Ctrl + 0: Fit to Screen (zoom to the actual size of the canvas).

Ctrl + Alt + 0: Fit to Screen Horizontally.

Ctrl + Alt + 1: Fit to Screen Vertically.

Ctrl + Spacebar: Temporary Zoom (hold down Ctrl and Spacebar to temporarily zoom in while the keys are pressed).

Ctrl + Shift + Spacebar: Zoom Out (hold down Ctrl, Shift, and Spacebar to temporarily zoom out while the keys are pressed).

Layer Shortcuts:


Ctrl + G: Group Layers (create a layer group for selected layers).

Ctrl + Shift + G: Ungroup Layers (remove layers from a group).

Ctrl + Shift + N: Create a New Layer.

Ctrl + L: Show/Hide Layer Panel.

Ctrl + T: Show/Hide Tool Panel.

Ctrl + Shift + L: Lock/Unlock Layer Transparency.

Color and Selection Shortcuts:


X: Switch Foreground and Background Colors.

D: Reset Foreground and Background Colors to Default (black and white).

Ctrl + A: Select All.

Ctrl + D: Deselect (remove a selection).

These are some of the most commonly used keyboard shortcuts in Paint Tool SAI. Using these shortcuts can help you work more efficiently and smoothly while creating digital art and illustrations. Feel free to customize your own shortcuts based on your preferences by going to the "File" menu and selecting "Shortcut Settings."


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